Notes on the foreign English teacher recruitment process in Vietnam
Teachers are one of the indispensable factors in the English learning process of each student. Therefore, at English centers, public schools, or international schools, the selection of foreign teachers is carried out in a very standard, fair, and thorough roadmap. This article will provide some keynotes during the recruitment process in Vietnam.
There some notes you should keep in mind about the English teacher recruitment process in Vietnam
1. The general English teacher recruitment process in Vietnam
In Vietnam, the process of recruiting foreign teachers usually includes 5 steps. Specifically:
Step 1: Application
At this step, candidates will prepare the necessary documents in the application. These documents will clearly show the capacity and professional knowledge of each candidate. In particular, candidates should carefully read employers’ requirements to avoid missing important documents.
Step 2: Preselection
Candidates’ profiles will be scrutinized. Employers will select candidates with potential profiles and fully meet their requirements to invite for an interview.
Step 3: Interview
During the interview, candidates may be asked for trial lessons so that employers can more thoroughly assess their teaching skills. In addition, scenarios will be arranged to test their ability to deal with difficult situations.
Step 4: Offer
After the interview step, if fully meeting the criteria, the candidate will receive the job offer letter from the employer.
Step 5: Signing contract and orientation
After signing the contract, foreign teachers can participate in some orientation sessions or training on teaching methods.
2. Important notes in the process of recruiting foreign teachers in Vietnam
Submitting the work permit for foreigners
To be eligible to work in Vietnam, foreign teachers need to hold a foreign work permit. According to Vietnamese law, applying for a work permit for foreign teachers is classified as the procedure for granting a work permit for experts.
The process of applying for a permit for foreign workers includes two steps:
Step 1: Apply for written approval at the Provincial/City Committee. Working time is about 21 days.
Step 2: After receiving the approval letter, it is necessary to submit a work permit. Working time is about seven days.
Reading carefully the employment contract
Non-contractual issues are almost always impossible to renegotiate. Therefore, when signing a contract, you should read the contract carefully, paying attention to mandatory tasks, the number of days to sign the contract, the number of lessons, and the agreements and regulations related to Vietnamese culture to limit unexpected incidents.
Demo classes
Ѕоmе ѕсhооlѕ or language centers wіll аѕk уоu tо dо а dеmо lеѕѕоn аt lеаѕt fоr а mіnіmum оf 30-mіnutеѕ. Some trial lessons will be paid, while others will not. Therefore, you should ask about this before agreeing to a trial lesson because many English institutions take advantage of this to get teachers to teach their students for free while still making a profit from the students.
However, with reliable English language schools or institutions, you should prepare well and show all your abilities and skills in the trial lessons. It is an important criterion that determines whether you get the job or not.
You should prepare well and show all your abilities and skills in the demo lessons
Hopefully, the notes given above will help you get the most thorough preparation when participating in the English teachers recruitment route in Vietnam. With any job, cautiousness right from the start is sure to bring positive results.