Teaching jobs positions in Vietnam – tips for successful online lessons
The Covid-19 pandemic has made online teaching via learning apps and TV channels more popular than ever. However, for many teachers holding English teaching jobs positions, especially foreign teachers who have just set foot in Vietnam, online teaching for Vietnamese students will have some difficulties. Therefore, this article will provide a few points for native teachers to keep in mind to have a successful online learning session.
There are some key points for native teachers to bear in mind to have a successful online learning session.
1. Crucial factors of an effective lesson
- In terms of contentTeachers should present the main point of lessons, use the most understandable words, select illustrative examples, and summarize the main ideas after each part.
- In terms of formLessons should be most concisely, understandably, and engagingly presented. Teachers should use many illustrations and professional lecture creation software such as PowerPoint to create content that easily attracts students’ attention.
- In terms of interaction:Teachers should try to answer all the students’ questions during the lesson. If the questions are numerous, teachers can ask students to send an email with the accompanying question to answer in the next lessons or select the most common questions to be answered.
2. Tips for successful online lessons when you hold teaching jobs positions in Vietnam
Innovating teaching methods
In regular classrooms in Vietnam, many teachers still apply the one-way teaching method, mainly focusing on lectures, limiting the interaction between teachers and students. When moving to online learning, there is an increased risk of student passivity when teachers do not directly contact students. Therefore, to improve students’ initiative, teachers need to apply innovative teaching methods in the online teaching process.
Building a reasonable lesson structure and length
The attention of students in the online environment can hardly be equal to that of offline. Therefore, lectures should be structured into clear sections. Each section may only last 15 minutes. At the end of each three sections, teachers can allow students to have a break with a funny video related to the teaching topic. After 90 minutes, teachers should give students a 10-minute break.
Speaking speed and duration
Teachers should not speak too fast because the quality of the transmission line, speakers, and mics quality is not always stable. Moreover, teachers also face difficulties in attracting students’ attention when they cannot see their body language when learning online. In addition, teachers also cannot see learners’ faces, so they cannot feel how well learners understand to adjust their speaking speed.
To be sure, teachers should speak at a moderate pace. Even in online classes, Vietnamese students’ ability to perceive and absorb the knowledge of foreign languages is not comparable to native students. Therefore, teachers need to speak slowly and emphasize important content.
Being professional in every lesson
Once the camera is on, teachers are like a TV announcer, a singer on stage, an actor, a musician on stages when they are alone and people expect their high-quality performance.
Teachers should focus as much as possible and limit the interference of “eternal factors” such as sounds from children, pets, or other rooms. It is also necessary to carefully prepare all activities from warm-ups, games as well as tests for students.
Remember to be always professional when doing English teaching jobs
The above article has mentioned some keynotes for native teachers in the online teaching process for Vietnamese students. Teaching jobs require teachers with not only solid professional competence but also excellent teaching skills, ensuring students grasp the English knowledge.