Dos and Don’ts of writing a Motivation Letter - Language Link Vietnam Teacher Recruitment


Dos and Don'ts of writing a Motivation Letter

Dos and Don’ts of writing a Motivation Letter

In this article, we’re diving into the world of motivation letter – special notes you write when you want to explain why you’re a great fit for something, like a job or a school. Motivation letter is important because they show how well you can use English to express yourself. So, let’s get started on this journey to make your words count and help you achieve your dreams!

Understanding the basics of a Motivation Letter
Understanding the basics of a Motivation Letter

Understanding the basics of a Motivation Letter

Basic format of Motivation Letter

  1. Greeting (Beginning): Start your motivation letter by saying “hello” in a friendly way. You can use words like “Dear” followed by the person’s name or a general greeting like “To whom it may concern.”
  2. Introduction (Beginning): This is where you catch their attention! Share a little bit about yourself and mention what you are excited about or why you are writing this motivation letter.
  3. Body (Middle): The body is like the main part of your story. Talk about your skills, experiences, and why you are perfect for the job or school. Use examples to show how awesome you are.
  4. Conclusion (End): Wrap it up nicely. Say why you really want this opportunity and thank them for reading. Show your enthusiasm and end on a positive note.
  5. Closing (End): Finish your motivation letter politely. You can use phrases like “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Thank you for considering my application.” Then, add your name.

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The role of a Motivation Letter in different situations:

1. Motivation Letter For Jobs:

Motivation Letter For Jobs
Motivation Letter For Jobs
  • When you’re applying for a job, your motivation letter is like your personal introduction to the company. It helps the employer understand why you’re the perfect fit for the job. You can talk about your skills, experiences, and why you’re excited to work with them. It’s a chance to stand out and show that you really want to be part of their team.

2. Motivation Letter For Academic Admissions:

  • If you’re trying to get into a school or college, your motivation letter is like a letter to the admissions team. You can tell them why you’re passionate about the subject you want to study, share your achievements, and explain how you can contribute to the school community. It’s your opportunity to make a good impression and convince them that you’re a great student.
Motivation Letter For Academic Admissions
Motivation Letter For Academic Admissions

3. Motivation Letter For Other Opportunities:

  • Besides jobs and schools, a motivation letter can be useful in many other situations. Maybe you’re applying for a scholarship, an internship, or a special program. In these cases, your letter helps the people in charge understand your goals, why you’re the right person, and what you hope to achieve.

Why a Motivation Letter matters

No matter the situation, a motivation letter is like your voice on paper. It shows that you’ve put thought into why you want this opportunity and what you can bring to the table. It’s not just about your skills; it’s about your enthusiasm, your dreams, and how you can make a positive impact. So, whether you’re aiming for a job or a chance to learn, your motivation letter is your way of saying, “Here’s why I’m the best choice!”

Dos and Don’ts of writing a Motivation Letter

The Dos and Don'ts of writing a Motivation Letter
The Dos and Don’ts of writing a Motivation Letter


  1. Do Research:

    • Do: Research the organization or institution you are applying to. Understand their values, goals, and expectations. Tailor your motivation letter to align with what they are looking for.
  2. Do Address the Recipient Properly:

    • Do: Address the letter to the specific person or department whenever possible. Use proper titles and be respectful in your salutation.
  3. Do Keep It Concise:

    • Do: Keep your letter concise and focused. Highlight key points without unnecessary details. Aim for clarity and brevity.
  4. Do Showcase Your Achievements:

    • Do: Highlight relevant achievements, skills, and experiences. Use examples to demonstrate how your past accomplishments make you a strong candidate.
  5. Do Express Enthusiasm:

    • Do: Express genuine enthusiasm for the opportunity. Share why you are excited about the position or program and how it aligns with your goals.
  6. Do Tailor for Each Application:

    • Do: Customize your motivation letter for each application. Demonstrate that you’ve put thought into why you are a perfect fit for the specific opportunity.
  7. Do Proofread:

    • Do: Proofread your letter carefully. Check for grammatical errors, typos, and clarity. A well-edited letter reflects your attention to detail.


  1. Don’t Use Generic Language:

    • Don’t: Avoid using generic or overly formal language. Make your letter stand out by using authentic and specific language that reflects your personality.
  2. Don’t Focus Solely on What You Want:

    • Don’t: While expressing your goals is important, don’t solely focus on what you want. Also, emphasize what you can contribute to the organization or program.
  3. Don’t Exaggerate or Lie:

    • Don’t: Be honest and authentic. Exaggerating your achievements or providing false information can be detrimental to your application.
  4. Don’t Use a One-Size-Fits-All Approach:

    • Don’t: Resist the temptation to use a generic template for all applications. Tailor each letter to the specific requirements and characteristics of the opportunity.
  5. Don’t Include Irrelevant Information:

    • Don’t: Stick to relevant information. Avoid including details or experiences that do not directly contribute to showcasing your suitability for the opportunity.
  6. Don’t Forget to Follow Instructions:

    • Don’t: Pay close attention to any guidelines or instructions provided by the employer or institution. Failure to follow instructions may negatively impact your application.
  7. Don’t Rush the Process:

    • Don’t: Take the time to craft a thoughtful letter. Rushed letters may lack the necessary detail and reflection needed to make a strong impression.

Structure of an impressive Motivation Letter

Example 1

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]


[Employer’s/Admissions Committee’s Name]
[Company/University Name]
[Company/University Address]

Dear [Hiring Manager/Admissions Committee],

I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the [Job Title/Program Name] position at [Company/University]. With a strong background in [Your Field/Area of Study] and a proven track record of [Highlight One Key Achievement], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team/academic community.

In my current role as [Your Current Position/Current Academic Program], I have honed my skills in [Key Skill 1] and [Key Skill 2], contributing to [Any Achievements or Projects]. These experiences have not only strengthened my technical proficiency but also nurtured my passion for [Relevant Field/Area of Study].

What excites me most about the [Job Title/Program Name] position at [Company/University] is the opportunity to [Specific Aspect of the Role/Program That Excites You]. Your commitment to [Company’s Values or University’s Mission] resonates with my own values, and I am eager to contribute to the [Company’s/University’s] success in [Relevant Area].

One of my key strengths is [Highlight a Unique Quality or Perspective]. This quality, coupled with my dedication to [Relevant Field/Area of Study], positions me as a candidate ready to make a meaningful impact. I am impressed by [Specific Programs or Initiatives] at [Company/University], and I am eager to leverage my skills and experiences to contribute to these endeavors.

Moreover, my experience in [Any Additional Relevant Experience] has equipped me with valuable insights into [Relevant Aspect] and a commitment to fostering [Desired Outcome]. I am confident that my blend of [Key Skill 1], [Key Skill 2], and [Unique Quality] aligns perfectly with the requirements of the [Job Title/Program Name] position.

In conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of bringing my skills, passion, and unique perspective to [Company/University]. I am confident that my contributions will contribute to the continued success of [Company/University].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss in further detail how my experiences align with your needs. I am eager to contribute my skills and enthusiasm to [Company/University], and I appreciate your time and consideration.


[Your Full Name]

Example 2

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]


[Admissions Committee’s Name]
[University Name]
[University Address]

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in pursuing a Master’s degree in [Your Chosen Field] at [University Name]. With a strong academic background in [Your Undergraduate Degree], coupled with my passion for [Your Field of Interest], I am eager to contribute to and thrive in the dynamic academic environment at [University Name].

During my undergraduate studies, I delved into [Relevant Courses or Projects], which sparked my fascination with [Specific Aspect of Your Field]. This academic journey not only solidified my foundational knowledge but also fueled my desire to explore and contribute to cutting-edge research in [Your Field of Interest].

What draws me to [University Name] is its esteemed faculty, particularly [Professor’s Name] whose work on [Professor’s Research Focus] aligns seamlessly with my research interests. I am eager to collaborate with such influential minds and contribute to the ongoing advancements in [Your Field of Interest].

In addition to my academic pursuits, my experiences as [Your Relevant Experience, e.g., Research Assistant, Intern] have equipped me with practical skills in [Key Skill 1], [Key Skill 2], and [Key Skill 3]. These experiences have not only honed my research abilities but also instilled in me a commitment to applying theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges.

Furthermore, I am particularly attracted to [Specific Resources, Programs, or Opportunities at University Name], which I believe will provide an enriching platform for my academic and personal growth. The emphasis on [University’s Distinctive Aspect, e.g., Interdisciplinary Approach] aligns with my multidisciplinary approach to [Your Field of Interest].

In conclusion, I am confident that the Master’s program at [University Name] will serve as the perfect incubator for my academic and professional aspirations. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the vibrant academic community at [University Name] and am committed to making meaningful contributions to the field of [Your Chosen Field].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further and share how my background and aspirations align with the goals of [University Name].


[Your Full Name]