English teacher salary in Vietnam - Language Link Vietnam Teacher Recruitment


How Much Do English Teachers Make in Vietnam

English teacher salary in Vietnam

Vietnam is one of the ideal destinations for many people who are looking for English teacher jobs. Surely, what you are most interested in this article is the salary of a foreign teacher when teaching English in Vietnam. In today’s post, we will help you to find the answer to the question: How Much Do English Teachers Make in Vietnam? From there, you can easily know English teacher salary in Vietnam and confidently deal better salaries.  Let’s follow the sharing below.

Why should you teach English in Vietnam?

Why should you teach English in Vietnam
Why should you teach English in Vietnam

First of all, let’s find out why you should teach English in Vietnam.

Do you know why Vietnam is the most loved destination by most English teachers around the world?

Many opportunities to find English teacher jobs

Vietnam is growing and becoming more and more attractive to foreign investors. That is proven by hundreds of foreign companies setting up factories in Vietnam, thousands of multinational companies massively opening branches in Vietnam. It creates hundreds of thousands of job opportunities not only for Vietnamese people but also for people from all over the world. Faced with that opportunity, young Vietnamese are very focused on learning English. Not only that, many families want their children to approach with English from a very young age. Therefore, today, reputable English centers in Vietnam are recruiting a lot of native English teachers with high salaries. In order to help Vietnamese students to get exposed to English in the best way.

English teacher salary is very high, good benefits.

English teacher salary for foreigner in Vietnam is quite high. Fluctuating over $1,200. Moreover, many large English centers always create the best conditions for their teachers when coming to live and teach English in Vietnam. Not only do the paperwork help you enter and live in Viet Nam for a long time, some famous English centers also provide accommodation and transportation for their teachers. In addition, you also receive many other benefits such as health insurance, travel activities throughout Vietnam, gifts and bonuses on important occasions. However, the centers also require their teachers to have a degree or TEFL certificate, a beautiful profile, a commitment to teaching quality and more importantly, to be enthusiastic about the profession they have chosen.

Low cost of living.

Vietnam is famous for its low cost of living. That’s one of the reasons many foreigners want to come here to live and work. With just a small fee, you can rent a beautiful apartment or studio. In addition, the Vietnamese government also supports foreigners to live and work in Vietnam a lot. Do not impose high taxes or make it difficult for them. All living expenses in Vietnam range from 20-50 dollars a day. It’s too cheap, right?

Delicious food that makes you fall in love.

Enjoy unique food when teaching English in Vietnam
Enjoy unique food when teaching English in Vietnam

When it comes to Vietnam, it is impossible not to mention the traditional dishes famous all over the world. With only 10-20 dollars, you can freely enjoy Vietnamese street food with an unforgettable taste. Enjoy a lot of delicious food in Vietnam, because when you leave Vietnam, you will miss it so much.

Vietnam has a lot of beautiful landscapes

Many foreign English teachers spend their free time traveling around Vietnam. They not only want to enjoy the fresh air and poetic beauty of nature, but also want to discover more about the culture in different regions of Vietnam. Coming to Vietnam, they are not only looking for English teacher jobs, but also admire the poetic beauty of the place they come. They also set up many groups to find foreigners with the same purpose living and working together in Vietnam to participate in these tourism activities.

English teacher salary for foreigner in Vietnam

English teacher jobs in Vietnam with specific salary
English teacher jobs in Vietnam with specific salary

There are a variety of English teacher salaries in Vietnam depending on the specific English teacher job you do. English teacher salary also depending on your knowledge, experience and skills. The salary received for each position is of course also different. Here are the English teacher salary in Vietnam you can refer for each job.

English teacher salary in English centers: $1,000 – $2,000 per month

English teacher jobs in centers gives you a good income. Most centers pay by the month and ask you to teach a certain number of hours per month. However, there are also some centers that charge by the hour, how much you get each month depends on how many hours you teach.

Teaching English at the center has many advantages. Among them are:

  • Good welfare
  • Provided with many modern equipment for teaching
  • Many centers want learners focus on learning by playing, that is, learning through action. You must constantly create interesting games to help students learn English in the most comfortable and fun state. This also helps you not to get bored when you have to teach English according to a textbook.
  • Many English centers are also affiliated with schools or universities. You will have the opportunity to PR yourself through the workshops held at these places. Who knows, it is another opportunity for you to be hired as a tutor by students or parents. You will be able to create another source of income
  • Have the opportunity to travel around Vietnam for free through activities organized by the English center.

In addition, as mentioned above, English centers also have certain requirements for their teachers. Let’s make sure that you meet the requirements to be able to compete with other foreign teachers. English teacher salary in English centers will be very high if you choose the right center well and you also possess high knowledge and ability.

English teacher salary at international schools in Vietnam : $1,500 – $2,500 per month

English teacher jobs at international schools in Vietnam
English teacher jobs at international schools in Vietnam

International schools pay very high salaries for their teachers. International school students study all subjects in English. Before being selected to the school, the students are tested on their English proficiency through rigorous tests to make sure they have the ability to understand the lessons for different subjects.

In an international school, you don’t just teach English. You can apply for many different jobs. For example, teachers who teach math, music, physical education, gifted, soft skills or technical subjects in English.

High salaries and many job opportunities also mean that international schools place quite high demands on their teachers. Degree, TEFL certificate, teaching experience and soft skills are the basic requirements that you must meet when you want to apply for this job. In addition, when you become a teacher here, you must follow the curriculum, code of conduct and rules specific to teachers. Teachers’ qualifications can also be affected or assessed when the class they are in charge of or most of their students score poorly on tests, quality assessments.

Although the pressure of teaching at international schools is quite high, in return, you get a lot of benefits, including free meals, uniforms, subsidies to learn new skills, and even get funding for your acommodation.

English teacher salary at international schools will certainly be commensurate with your ability and dedication.

The salary for English teacher at universities: $1,200 – $2,200 per month

Similar to international schools, teaching English at universities also gives you a good income, but there are certain requirements. A degree is a prerequisite for you to be able to teach English at universities. You also have to follow the university’s regulations. You may have to prepare your own curriculum, or you may also be able to teach through the curriculum provided by the university. But the common purpose must all follow the pattern of the Ministry of Education. This will be a bit boring if you are someone who does not like to follow restrictive rules

At an international school, you have to teach children with personality, naughty. Then, one advantage of teaching at universities is that the students are all of an adult age.

Source of income from English tutor or Teach English online: $40 – $100 per hour

English tutoring or teaching English online is the teaching job that gives you the most comfort and freedom. You can teach anywhere, anytime you want as long as you arrange with your students in advance. You can take multiple classes, tutor online 1-1 or teach 3-7 students in a class.

Students are looking for a foreign English tutor for three main purposes. The first is to practice listening and communicating in English with native speakers, the second is to get corrections when writing and finally, to be guided in doing exercises in English.

Your monthly income depends on how long you teach. If you work hard to teach 2-3 classes a day, you can earn a huge income of about $3,000 – $4,000 dollars a month. However, the disadvantage of this form of teaching is that you do not have other benefits besides salary. Besides, you will have a hard time finding learners.

Salary from Other English teaching jobs: $30 – $70

English teacher salaries from these sources range from 30-70 dollars. You can open English classes at cafes, parks or where you live. However, in order to get a large number of learners, you have to pay a rental fee and an advertising fee for your course. You can also record a video teaching English and post it on social networking sites to attract viewers.

However, you should only do these jobs as a side hustle because they may not bring you a stable income.

Hope that the above article has helped you answer the question: “How Much Do English Teachers Make in Vietnam?” We wish that you could get a better English teacher salary in Vietnam.

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English teaching jobs in Vietnam