How to refresh your Teaching Resume - Language Link Vietnam Teacher Recruitment


How to refresh your Teaching Resume

How to refresh your Teaching Resume

Everything in life needs regular updates. CVs too. Make updating your Teaching Resume a regular habit. Because this habit will help your resume stay fresh and attract employers. And it also offers good job opportunities even if you have no intention of changing jobs or need to look for a new job. In today’s article, Language Link will share with you the reasons why you should update your CV on a regular basis. We will also help you to know how to refresh your CV so that it is most attractive. 

I.  6 reason you need to update your Teaching resume regularly

6 reason you need to update your Teaching resume regularly
6 reason you need to update your Teaching resume regularly

Building a quality teaching CV is not an easy task. Therefore, many candidates often just use the old CV to send to many places for a long time. Some feel lazy to update their teaching resume. Others do not know how to update the CV so that it does not look too long and makes the employer feel bored. However, whatever the reason, the habit of forgetting to update your CV not only makes you lose many career opportunities but also misses many benefits that it brings.

Here are a few reasons why it’s so important to regularly update your teaching resume.

1. Identify shortcomings that need improvement in the Teaching Resume update process

Updating your teaching resume regularly will help you realize what skills and experiences you lack. It also helps you understand that, with those achievements, you will be able to compete in the teaching market in the future. Will these skills and experience help you deal with a better salary?
This helps you to hone, improve and enhance your professional skills and profession in a solid way.

2. Evaluate your own progress through teaching experience

Evaluate your own progress through teaching experience

Sometimes it’s hard for us to realize how much we’ve improved until we’ve listed all of our accomplishments. An important reason for you to remind yourself to refresh your teaching resume is to self-assess your own progress.
The first CV you make is when you are about to graduate from college. Over time, you have gained experience in many different organizations. Documenting these will help you see how much you’ve improved since the beginning.
Once you understand your own values and abilities, you will have a basis and become more confident to present to your superiors proposals for promotion and salary increase.
You can use the updated teaching CV and the old teaching CV used to apply on the first day of work to compare. And help your superiors easily evaluate the achievements and contributions you have brought to the business. Create momentum for your career later

3. Filter out unnecessary or outdated information

One of the mistakes many teachers make is that they often design their teaching resumes to be too wordy, making it difficult for recruitment agencies to track down and refine the information and skills needed for their organization. In addition to the necessary skills for the new job, you must also remove information that is no longer valuable or outdated.
Therefore, after the process of teaching and accumulating experience, do not forget to update and compact the information to save time for readers as well as condense your CV.

4. Keeping up with new teacher recruitment trends

Keeping up with new teacher recruitment trends
Keeping up with new teacher recruitment trends

The development of social life leads to new trends that are always formed. More and more technologies, AI support the process of learning foreign languages. Textbooks and materials are updated regularly by the Ministry of Education and Training. That’s why certificates always have an expiration date. And organizations and English centers are constantly orienting their development. You also know that the competition in the teaching market is always increasing.
Therefore, as a teacher, you should also know how to update these trends in your CV before submitting your application. This not only helps employers evaluate you as a dynamic person who knows the market. Such people will always know how to update their curriculum, teaching methods. And there are always new ideas and innovations in the teaching process at their institution.

5. Update new skills and certificates in teaching resume

In the process of teaching and gaining experience in many different environments, you have equipped with useful skills and teaching methods. As well as other essential soft skills. This is your chance to update your teaching resume to enhance your value. Especially skills that organizations will appreciate.
Thereby, you can also know if you need to learn new certifications to increase your competitiveness.

6. Seize the opportunity to apply in a timely manner

None of us can predict what will happen. So, if you are unexpectedly laid off, having a teaching resume ready will help you start looking for a new job right away. The habit of regularly updating your CV will also help you be more proactive when you are always ready to apply for any position that suits your needs. This will avoid the situation of finding an impressive job opportunity but having to spend time researching and revising your CV, making the opportunity very easy to pass.
Moreover, when you update your teaching resume on recruitment platforms such as LinkedIn, … your CV will immediately be accessible and attract the attention of employers. It will be an opportunity for you to be automatically contacted by the employer.

II. The most impressive way to refresh your CV

The most impressive way to refresh your CV
The most impressive way to refresh your CV

Understand why you need to renew your teaching resume. So how can you update your CV in the most impressive way? Let’s follow the following ways

Your picture

The first impression of the employer is the image you show in your CV. A bright, neat, polite image will win more points and make them want to interact with you. So update your latest image within 6 months with a confident state.

Contact Info

Make sure your contact information is up to date. It will be a pity if you are shortlisted for the interview and the recruiters cannot contact you because the phone number or address is no longer in use. This means you have lost your chance. So, pay attention to update your contact information to the latest to avoid unfortunate situations from happening.

Career goals

The career goal is yours, but it also needs to be in line with the growth or direction of the company. In each job position, specific time, you all have different career goals. In addition, goals vary according to your qualifications and work experience. This is a topic that must always be updated and edited continuously depending on the time and the company you want to apply for.

Refresh your teaching resume with new advanced skills

The obvious point that can be seen is that your skills and qualifications will be increasingly cultivated and developed in the teaching process. At the same time, the requirements for the quality and qualifications of applicants of English centers or schools are also increasing. This is also a factor that can help you emphasize your advantage as a potential candidate. If you want to keep up with the times and get your dream job, add skills/qualities that are close to the requirements of the job you are applying for. Emphasize the highlights you got from previous jobs. Possessing the soft skills that the job requires, you will naturally stand out from many other candidates in the eyes of the employer!

Update the latest certificates and achievements in your teaching resume

You should record outstanding achievements on your CV, do not miss any opportunity to demonstrate your contributions and abilities to employers. You should also not underestimate the role of certifications and training programs because this shows that you are a progressive person and are actively investing in the future. In this competitive job era, employers are increasingly demanding soft skills and training courses to complement the job. This not only makes it easier for you to get a job, but also helps you to get a job in the future. Therefore, keep up to date with the certificates and diplomas that you have recently joined and their impact on your work and life. Surely the employer will have a positive assessment of you compared to other competitors.

So the article above has helped you understand why you need to update your teaching resume and impressive ways to change your CV. Hope it will be useful for you.

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